Arkitekt Folstad, Knut
Sirdal, Agder, Norway

This project, located in the birch forests of Sirdal, Agder, Norway is named, tømmertempelet, which translates to timber temple. It references the historical tradition of solid wood construction in Norway. This project and the long tradition it references resulted from the material availability specific to that part of the world. The classic cabin form is adorned with precise and elegant motifs, demonstrating the craft in constructing this structure. The solid wood panels become both primary interior and exterior materials. The structure cohesively sits in the birch tree forest. Most of the forest was harvested for the project. The exposed wood interiors bring an immediate warmth to the dwelling. Large framed openings allow one to look out into the surrounding forest.

The Tømmertempelet by Arkitekt Folstad, Knut is an example of New Wood Open Architecture showing how locally adapted wood construction techniques have contemporary relevance by honouring tradition and striving for sustainable building practices. Whether it be the classic gabled cabin form or the intricate
siding scribed against the shingled roof, this project illuminates wood construction techniques as an extensive cultural significance with contemporary relevance. The traditional solid wood cabin the project references is a locally adapted technique that relies on the material available in the immediate surrounding area. This approach is inherently less carbon-intensive and sustainable if forests are maintained accordingly.